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What we will see in 1.0.4 and 1.0.5
1983d 20h ago Posted by @OpalSnow


Destiny 1.0.4 is around the corner. What can we expect?


Some new game content and preparations for the bigger update.


This post is to inform you about the delayed update of Destiny 1.0.4. We wanted to roll it out on our live server this weekend but there are still some things to be changed and developed. So when can we expect it? As soon as possible. Our aim was this weekend so if we couldn't do it this weekend - we'll do it as soon as possible. Realistically Monday/Tuesday.



So then the question arises - what can you expect in 1.0.4? Well let's begin shall we;


Ability Items

For those who played L2Sublimity in the past, one of the signature features has always been the Ability Shirts - this time we want to extend the system to go further than shirts but the principle remains the same - items that have no effect until you Master them. Mastering Ability Items can be done farming Ability Points by killing monsters while having the item equipped.


Commencing sieges by infiltrating Enemy Territory.

There will be a Clan Hall available for siege, commencing the siege can be done by gathering forces and entering the siege ground. The owners of the Clan Hall will be notified and are given time to prepare for the defense. You are able to hold a town clan hall together with a siegable clan hall. So why would you go for a siegable clan hall? Siegable Clan Halls give residential skills. Each clan hall has its own passive skill that is given to everyone within the clan. We will start off with one siegable clan hall but more can easily be added upon demand. Perhaps we will see this feature being implemented onto castles as well. Only time will tell what you guys prefer.


Rework of the farming system [part 2]

So people have been saying that the farming system is a bit better than it was before but still is not ideal. We will implement changes to make the armor curve A and S-grade more logical. Lower tier A-grade will be easier to obtain whereas top A and S-grade will be slightly easier to farm for. This in preparation for update 1.0.5 that will include something very familiar to some.


Rework of the hunting area(s)

So we've been having complaints about some complaints about Imperial Tomb and we agree with all of those complaints. So we're going to do something about that. What and how exactly we don't know yet. I personally believe it is better to wait this off and implement a new area together with new armory in Destiny 1.0.5.


New armors in Destiny 1.0.5 ?

So to prepare the server for newer content we still have to get rid of some existing problems - like the farming system, opening donations and most importantly; the botting problem. In Destiny 1.0.5 we will be introduced to one of Sublimity's signature features on almost every server - Phoenix armor sets. How these armors will be able to get collected - you will see. This armor set is to extend end-game and allow a new goals and PvP incentives to be set.


Rebirth system?

I am thinking of implementing a Rebirth system but I am not sure to which degree it should be "hardcore". The base idea I had in mind is quite nostalgic and hardcore but it might not fit into the gameplay aspects of the server. More on this soon and most likely in 1.0.5.


What about Phoenix weapons?

Oh we will see those too, but in a later update. There's no need to introduce so many new game features all in one go while people are still not even set on their over enchanted S-grade weapons yet.



All in all exciting times to play L2Sublimity, we will always provide the game with fresh new content and make it an experience for everyone to enjoy. We're happy with the current community, solo players and the well established sides on the server. Now its a matter of some updates to get the server where we want and have that daily PvP ready for you to create pvp, memories and tales people will speak of. Thank you everyone, for making this possible. It means the world to me.