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Stay safe!
1659d 12h ago Posted by @Amell


We want to send out our prayers to everyone who has been affected by the Covid-19 virus, especially for those who have lost a loved one due to this awful disease.







All of us have been impacted in some way by the uncertainties related to this virus.

It means for some of us no work (or being in danger at work), no family and friends visits for a long time and no freedom to go outside and do whatever you please.

Unfortunately, the end of this doesn't seem to be near and the lockdowns keep getting extended, so we all have to be patient for ourselves and our loved ones.

This will make us appreciate the things we have in life even more.


Be good to eachother and help wherever you can. We can only beat this together.
Be responsible and stay home. This is the only way to keep the risk of getting the virus to a minimum.
If you're young and healthy the odds are in your favor, but please think about the sick and the old people in your environment.

Protect them by staying home.

Be safe,
L2Sublimity Staff